Windows 3.1/95/NT 4.0, Visual C++ 6.0, C/C++, Visual Basic 6.0, COM/DCOM, ActiveX, OLE, ATL 2.0, MAPI, Windows Sockets, MFC, Win32 API, STL, ADO 2.0, UML, Rational Rose 98, MS SQL Server 6.5, Java, HTML, WebPages publishing, Visual SourceSafe, Smart Cards SDK


Employer: Unique Computing Sol. (Oct 98 – Present)


Assignment: State ID Card-COM object development (Feb 99 - Present)

The project DIBRA (Digital Identification badge and rendering application) involves integration of various new features to the state issued ID card, including biometrics information like fingerprint and facial recognition encoded on Smart card.

As a developer, involved in various phases from design to deployment. Worked with the team to Com-potenize the architecture using COM/ATL development Methodology.

Developed ATL/COM components for Smart card encoding, fingerprint and facial recognition.

Also representing Polaroid in International AAMVA Conference in New Hampshire for the integration demo with Lockheed Martin during Aug28-Sep2.

Environment: WindowsNT, Visual C++ 6.0, COM /DCOM, Win32 API, Smart Card SDK fingerprint SDK, Facial Rec SDK



Client: Idexx laboratory Inc, Maine, USA

Assignment: Legacy Instrument server and VetLab Protocol Library development (Oct 98 – Jan 99)

The project involved designing the new efficient interface for communication with the old instruments responsible for gathering and processing the animal sample. The legacy instrument server is ATL/COM (Outproc server) component and is responsible for managing the collection of the legacy instrument devices connected on the various serial ports. VetLab protocol based library is also an ATL/COM (Inproc server) based component for the low level communication interface to the instrument analyzers via the serial ports.

Both the above COM components follow the standard Client server architecture and have been developed using Visual C++ and ATL. The protocol library uses the advantage of multitasking ability of the window environment for fast and asynchronous polling/sending of the data.

As a Consultant, was responsible for object-oriented analysis and design (UML Methodology) and development of the components. Also done preparation of project proposal, interfacing the components with the rest of the software architecture, testing and debugging the components using Visual basic test applications.

Environment: Windows 98, Visual C++ 6.0, Visual Basic 6.0, COM /DCOM, Win32 API

Employer: Shapre Systems Oct 97 – Sep 98Client: Mobile Data Communication, Kontich, Belgium

Assignment: SMPP Communication Object Development (3 months)

Involved in the analysis, design and development of a Short Message Peer to Peer (SMPP) protocol based ActiveX/COM component that can be used by client applications to exchange Short Message Service (SMS) format messages between mobile phones. Made extensive use of multi-threading for overload sharing on a round robin basis. Used Windows sockets to communicate with the Short Message Service Center (SMSC). Developed the test suite using Visual Basic and Visual C++.

Environment: Windows NT 4.0, Visual C++ 5.0, Visual Basic 5.0, COM/DCOM, ATL 2.0, Windows Sockets, Win32 API, Rational Rose 98

Client: Mobile Data Communication, Kontich, BelgiumAssignment: Interpreter and Scripting Tool (4 months)

Involved in the design and development of this tool that can analyze and compile an input script file and create or modify the database by invoking a ADO based COM component. Similarly, the script files can be reversibly generated from a given database. The scripting tool, which works on the same principal as LEX and YACC, analyzes the script, tokenizes it and passes it to the compiler for execution. The tool also provides error handling for syntax and data integrity errors. Also developed the COM component, which encapsulates ADO and interfaces with the database

Environment: Windows NT 4.0, Visual C++ 5.0, COM/DCOM, ATL 2.0, ADO 2.0, MS-Access

Client: Mobile Data Communication, Kontich, BelgiumAssignment: LAN Messenger (6 months)

LAN Messenger, a plug-and-play software component for Microsoft Exchange, which enables clients to send and receive SMS messages from their e-mail programs.

LAN Messenger uses one or more shared GSMs for message processing, which makes individual leased lines or dial-up lines unnecessary, thereby reducing operating costs.

As a developer, responsibilities include design and development of the basic object model for the data transfer. LAN Messenger gateway for Microsoft exchange is developed using MAPI and the AT communication protocol to talk to GSM. Involved in Design and development of the LAN Messenger ATL/COM component, which is multi-threaded

For load sharing and uses Event Object driven asynchronous mode.

Also done extensive testing for QA as well as customer support for LAN Messenger

Installation and demos in Europe. Represented MD-Co in Comdex, Germany for

LAN Messenger demo.

Environment: Windows NT 4.0, Visual C++ 5.0, Visual Basic 5.0, MAPI, COM/DCOM, ATL 2.0, Platform SDK


Employer: Ramco Systems, India (Jun 96 – Oct 97)Client: Indian Air Force, India

Assignment: Flight Simulators for MiG-21 (14 months)

This project involved retrofitting analytical Flight simulator with state of the art digital computers, providing realistic audio/visual effects and real time data transmission.

Responsible for the initial system study to gather client requirements, drawing up specifications, design of the generic model for fighter aircraft using Coad and Yourdan's object oriented design technique. Involved in development of various modules (such as Armament, Hydraulics systems), visual simulation software using OpenGL (Graphics Library).

Done integration and performance testing of modules. Worked with the team in development of NT Scheduler, which involved real time data acquisition and transferring of data to other NT clients through Named Pipes.

Also been the primary person for the implementation of the first version of simulator at the Airforce base.

Environment: Windows NT 4.0, Visual C++ 4.2, MFC, C++, Win32 API, and OpenGL

Client: Indian Air Force, India

Assignment: Instructor Soft Panel (2 months)

Instructor Soft Panel is a graphical user interface based application meant for the instructor to monitor the maneuvers of a pilot.

Designed and developed the Soft Panel Layout and its interface with the main simulation control software. The system enabled the instructor to induce failure conditions in the aircraft and had a Flight Route Recorder, which can plot the path, taken by Pilot during the flight. The Instructor Soft panel was internally interfaced with the Flight Simulator Control software for data transmission and retrieval.

Environment: Visual C++ 4.2, MFC, Win32 API, and Windows NT 4.0


BS in Aerospace Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India


Address: 3803, Stearns Hill Road, Waltham, MA 02451

Phone: 781-386-5403 (Work)

781-899-1369 (Home)

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