Miscelleneous Useful(?!) Links

Tired of long,dreary hours staring at the terminal?Mebbe these will spin you off boredom and fatigue!!.......Did you know that you could now order pizza from Pizza Hut On-line????........Ok, that's the kind of stuff this page is filled with!!Go on, unwind!!!

The Internet Movie DataBase

WWW Hot List

Internet Yellow Pages

Measurements Converter

News Resource:Get News for any region on the Globe!

Roget's Thesaurus

Greeting Cards on the WWW

Brittanica's Lives

Pizza Hut!!

Nobel Prize Internet Archive

Weather Report for anyplace in the World

Discover Magazine On-Line

National Geographic Society

How far are you from Home?

Wanna see a map of a particular address?

Conversion Factor Table

Searchable Webster's English Dictionary

Frequently Occurring First names

Banned Books On-Line

Albert Einstein On-Line

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